Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Django - 002 - Starting a project - startproject

A project in django is a collection of settings for an instance of Django. This includes:

  • Django specific options
  • application specific settings
  • database configuration

Select the project directory where you want to host your django setup. Now change into that directory.
~ $ cd ~/Documents/my_d3_project/django

Since, we have installed django using pip utility, should be on your system path. You can verify if you can access it:
~/Documents/my_d3_project/django $ which

This is the path of Now, run the following command to create a myD3site directory in our current directory.

~/Documents/my_d3_project/django $ startproject myD3site
~/Documents/my_d3_project/django $ ls

Let us look inside to find what startproject created. We can use the tree command in Ubuntu:
~/Documents/my_d3_project/django $ tree .
`-- myD3site
    `-- myD3site

2 directories, 5 files
~/Documents/my_d3_project/django $ 

The files are:
  1. The outer myD3site/ root directory - It is just a container for your project. Its name does not matter to Django, you can rename it to anything you like.
  2. - a command line utility that lets you interact with this django project in various ways
  3. The inner myD3site/ directory - It is the python package for your project. It is the name you will use to import anything inside it. (for example, myD3site.urls)
  4. myD3site/ - an empty file that tells Python that this directory should be considered a Python package. This is a file required by Python and tells it to treat this directory as a package (i.e, a group of modules)
  5. myD3site/ - settings or configuration for this django project
  6. myD3site/ - The URL declarations for this django project: "a table of contents for your django powered site"
  7. myD3site/ - an entry point for WSGI-compatible web servers to serve your project. 

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