Sunday, October 28, 2018

TypeScript - DataTypes - Function Type

 TypeScript has a function type. Not a function, but an actual datatype representing a function. Now, consider our previous example of a add function.

// function add to check for datatypes of arguments
function add(input1:number,input2:number):number{
var myResult = input1 + input2;
return myResult;

also, consider the greet function:
//void type
function greet():void{
console.log("Greetings! Welcome to getCity.ts");

Now, if we want to assign both add() and greet function to a single variable. We can do it like this:
let myAdd;
myAdd = add;
console.log("calling myAdd() == "+myAdd(2,3));
myAdd = greet;
console.log("calling myAdd() == ");

Now, if we try to compile this:
$ tsc getCity.ts

The compiler did not complain. But, we know that greet() function and add() function are clearly different. This is because they both take different number of input parameters and return a different number of return types.

To be able to set a function type, we need a function type. This is so that, we can combine all add() related functions having the same input parameters and return types. To be able to fix the add() function to a datatype, let us see the following:
// function types
let myAdd: (input1:number, input2:number) => number;

In this case, we are saying, the function myAdd()has two input parameters and both are numbers. Also, we have set its return type to be a number. So, now if we assign both add() and greet() function to myAdd() function and try to compile:

// function types
let myAdd: (input1:number, input2:number) => number;
myAdd = add;
console.log("calling myAdd() == "+myAdd(2,3));
myAdd = greet;
console.log("calling myAdd() == ");

On compiling this time:

$ tsc getCity.ts
getCity.ts:29:1 - error TS2322: Type '() => void' is not assignable to type '(input1: number, input2: number) => number'.
  Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'number'.

29 myAdd = greet;

getCity.ts:31:1 - error TS2554: Expected 2 arguments, but got 0.

31 myAdd();

    26 let myAdd: (input1:number, input2:number) => number;
    An argument for 'input1' was not provided.


.. the compiler complains.  This is because myAdd() is now a function type. To be able to make the compiler to compile. We can remove associating greet() function with myAdd().

// function types
let myAdd: (input1:number, input2:number) => number;
myAdd = add;
console.log("calling myAdd() == "+myAdd(2,3));

$ tsc getCity.ts

Now, the compiler has compiled the code as myAdd() function type is associated with the correct function.

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